Deploy The Example Microservices

In the “Deploy the Example Microservices” section, you will learn how to deploy a sample microservices application on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). Microservices are a popular architectural pattern used to build modern, scalable, and resilient applications.

The example application you will deploy is a simple e-commerce application consisting of four microservices: a frontend, a product catalog service, a cart service, and an order service. You will learn how to package each microservice in a container, deploy the containers to Amazon EKS, and expose the services using Kubernetes Service resources.

By following this section, you will gain practical experience in deploying microservices on Amazon EKS and learn best practices for managing microservices on a container orchestration platform. This knowledge will help you build and deploy your own microservices applications on Amazon EKS or any other container orchestration platform.
